
Richard Alatorre

Re “Alatorre Faces New Accusations Over Costly Hotel Deal,” Sept. 2: Councilman Richard Alatorre should resign or take a leave of absence without pay while all these investigations and allegations are concluded. The voting citizens of Los Angeles want politicians who will represent us honestly and truthfully. If any of the Latino councilmen, or any other council members for that matter, are found guilty of taking bribes for votes, they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Regarding the 525-unit Hayward Hotel project, there should be a full investigation into who voted for the project and what facts did they use to make their decision. This is another example of government waste of taxpayer money. It sounds like Alatorre did a snow job on the committee members who approved this project or they had a vested interest, too.

We need to clean up our government so that the citizens of this city, and especially the citizens of the San Fernando Valley, can feel that our resources are being applied for maximum benefits.



Granada Hills

* I am disgusted at the recent portrayal in your paper of Councilman Alatorre. I have seen nothing but negative articles about him. Where were your reporters when Alatorre closed several nuisance alleys in Boyle Heights, converted one of the alleys into a play area for children and introduced several very important motions?

I am very active in the community of Boyle Heights and know what Alatorre has done for our community. I work with inner-city youth and he is someone we can always count on when we need help.

I am amazed that The Times would dedicate two full-time reporters to follow Alatorre around. It is interesting that they are never around to write stories when Alatorre has something positive to announce.


With respect to the custody battle, it is a personal matter that The Times (thanks to your skewed reporting) has now made a public fiasco. Shame on you!


Los Angeles
