
Canter’s on Fairfax: It’s a Mitzvah

The March 24 Food section offered a “delicious” article I couldn’t “pass over” (“The Soul of Fairfax Avenue”). Amen!

Canter’s restaurant, located on Fairfax Avenue, the most sociological street in Los Angeles, may be a bane to weight-watchers but a delight to those who enjoy bagels and lox and all the other goodies which attract Southlanders, both Jewish and non, to Fairfax, the area of my youth.

Tragically, the famed “silent movie theater” may never reopen [since a murder in 1997], but at least the theater still stands as a memory. The Farmers’ Market has been preserved, and at Canter’s, over the years, I have observed politicians, show business personalities, senior citizens and youth all “doing their thing.” Shalom!



Los Angeles
