
Web Site Eases Information Hunt

Marc Ballon covers small business and entrepreneurial issues for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-7439 and at [email protected]

With thousands of articles and Web sites devoted to small-business issues, the Internet would seem like the perfect vehicle for entrepreneurs searching for the hottest trends in the start-up world. Ironically, the enormous amount of information in cyberspace makes it difficult for aspiring Bill Gateses to quickly locate exactly what they want. A new Web site hopes to change all that. (, an entrepreneurial search engine, features articles from Inc., Forbes and Entrepreneur magazines and links to government agencies and university entrepreneurship centers. Information is organized by subject, including accounting, marketing, franchising and finance. There is even a section where entrepreneurs can learn about the basics of such things as human resources and management. Best of all, the site is easy to navigate and free to users., based in Atlanta, makes its money through advertising.
