
Hillary Clinton

Bill and Hillary Clinton are mocking history as if no one has noticed. William Jefferson Clinton suitcased his wife into sharing the chief executive’s seat of power and fame. Clinton’s idol, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, slipped his brother into a similar chair of nepotism. Hillary Clinton’s [possible] run for the Senate in New York is carpetbagging, evidence that she’s hot on Robert Kennedy’s political trail. Take the Senate seat in 2000, then go for the White House in 2004.

Indeed, the Kennedy tragedies notwithstanding, this kind of muscling isn’t simply inappropriate, it’s blatantly opportunistic power-mongering, openly shredding away at what little remains of good government in America.


Apple Valley


Hillary Clinton running for office in New York is good news for California. Three thousand miles worth.



Huntington Beach


Michael Ramirez, arch-conservative political cartoonist that he is, apparently devastated that Bill Clinton is no longer on trial and looking for a Clinton on whom to target his mean-spirited cartoons, draws a Sen. Hillary proposing investing the Social Security trust fund in commodity futures (Feb. 19). In his eagerness to blame all bad ideas on the Democrats, he apparently forgot the stock market solution to Social Security is pretty much a Republican idea. Or is this just Ramirez’s idea of the truth?


Los Angeles
