
Collisions on Ski Slopes

I disagree with your Feb. 14 article’s contention that out-of-control skiers and snowboarders are somehow displaying rage on the slopes. Recklessness, yes. Limited ability, yes. Stupidity, for sure. But rage, no. All the lamebrain skiers who have ever run into me or come heart-stoppingly close were either having the time of their lives or were scared to death because they didn’t know how to stop.

I do think it’s time that the resorts policed the slopes better, or considered throwing in a one-day personal injury insurance policy along with the lift ticket! If, as you state, most resorts have some sort of speed-control program, where ski patrol members are positioned along runs, they must be invisible because I’ve never seen them. And there has never been one around when I’ve been clobbered.

A strong, highly visible speed-control presence would make skiers or snowboarders think twice about tackling runs that were beyond their capabilities or acting in ways that were detrimental to other skiers. Put ski patrol people out there on the slopes and give them the power to take away lift tickets, levy fines and even ban the more dangerous skiers or ‘boarders. Far from dampening the enthusiasm of most skiers, this would give us a feeling of greater security. The resorts can--and should--do better.



Huntington Beach
