
Students’ Bake Sales to Aid Reservation

Three bake sales held by third-graders at St. Michael and All Angels’ Episcopal Parish Day School have raised $600 to buy 2,000 pounds of food for needy residents of an Arizona Indian reservation.

Bryan Brightcloud, a Northridge resident who collects and transports food to reservations, picked up the donation at the school Wednesday. He said he will deliver the food next week to the Hualapai reservation near Kingman.

There was so much sugar, flour, cereal, canned vegetables and other items that he had to make two trips to the school to fit all the food into his small pickup truck.


“It was just wonderful,” said Brightcloud, 40. “It’s one of the best jobs I’ve ever seen.”

Brightcloud, a member of the Chiricahua Apache tribe, also made a presentation Wednesday to the 22 third-graders. He spoke on the history of his people and displayed several artifacts, including animal hides, bows and arrows and other tools and weapons.
