
Those ‘Blue’ Headlights Are White


Dear Traffic Talk:

I have been noticing more and more blinding bright blue headlights on the road.

Aren’t those super-bright lights illegal? If so, are there any plans to enforce the law?

John Scott

Sherman Oaks

Dear John:

Blue headlights are definitely illegal, says Officer Lou Aviles of the California Highway Patrol. In fact, the only color that’s legal on headlights is white.

“Motorists will get citations for colored lights because they’re unlawful,” Aviles said.

He added, however, that some new cars appear to emit a blue light, when in fact the bulb is actually white.

“That’s legal,” Aviles said. “It’s kind of tricky because the light can appear blue from some angles, but it’s really white.”


Dear Traffic Talk:

Is there any way you can discover why it’s impossible for our road maintenance crew to properly repair the chuckhole in the left-turn lane from northbound Topanga Canyon Boulevard to westbound Burbank Boulevard?

I’ve lived near this intersection for the last four years, and it’s an old problem that’s never been taken care of properly. Periodically they attempt to fill the hole with tar, but that typically lasts only a couple of weeks, at most.

I’m tired of having to realign my wheels just because no one wants to spend the time or money to fix the problem. This is a busy intersection with heavy traffic flow, and it really needs attention. Please help.


Randy Bassin

Woodland Hills

Dear Randy:

The Department of Street Maintenance normally handles these jobs, but Caltrans is responsible for this one, and officials say the problem is scheduled to be fixed in the next couple of weeks.

“We will grind the pavement, repack and repair it,” said Caltrans spokesman Presley Burroughs.

Burroughs added that the ongoing problem at this location has been caused by heavy vehicles depressing a specific area.


To file a claim for damage to your vehicle believed to be caused by this problem, call Caltrans claims department at (213) 897-0816.


Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to [email protected].
