
Valley’s Petition for Secession

Your editorial, “An Ax Over Los Angeles” (March 17), misses the whole point of what is taking place. Your critical arrow is pointed in the wrong direction.

Think for a minute about what is really being said. If the signatories to the petition for secession were satisfied with what is going on, there would be no petition. The most significant point is the statement made by 135,000 citizens, 25% of the area voters, by signing the document. But The Times has placed, and the political sector will place, the blame elsewhere than where it should be, i.e., the failure to do the job that the elected officials were charged with.

Why put the onus on the electorate? Put it where it belongs so that the responsible officials will make the people in the San Fernando Valley happy. Don’t portray them as villains rather than decent people who, in their utter frustration and dissatisfaction, are making a bold statement.


HENRY L. BARON, Los Angeles


When secessionist Richard Close claims that the new city could provide the same level of services without raising taxes (March 17), he is whistling Dixie. What else would a secessionist whistle, and what’s the point?

EMIL LAWTON, Sherman Oaks


The San Fernando Valley is the world’s biggest bedroom community. Now, they want it to become the biggest bedroom “city” in the world. Give me a break!

I thought Los Angeles had already succeeded in maximizing the meaning of the word “ridiculous.”


