
Impact of Drugs and Alcohol

* It is hard to think where my generation is going to end up. It’s so scary for me to go out to a party with my friends and not know what is going to happen. It seems like nowadays a party is not a real party unless there is alcohol or other drugs.

This is not only scary but also sad. I often wonder what I can do to make people my age, especially those I most care about, understand that this is no joke, that the consequences of a little fun or pleasure combined with drugs and alcohol could be dramatic and sometimes irremediable.

This is not coming from a parent. This is coming from a 19-year-old girl who feels proud of being able to say no. I know that there are people out there, just like me, trying to get by without falling into temptation, and also people like me who are trying to help those who already have. To those who have already fallen into temptation I want to ask: Is it worth risking your life for a little fun?



