
Freeway Fiasco

Re Caltrans concealing I-105 repairs and the $117-million cost to fix the freeway (Aug. 26): Will the responsible Caltrans executives who approved construction of a 3.5-mile section of I-105 over a known water table, and then, when the inevitable buckling began, covertly expended more millions to try to fix it--all the time unlawfully concealing their inept mistakes from the public whose gasoline taxes pay their salaries--lose their jobs and be prosecuted for their fraud on the public and their criminal malfeasance?

Or will the responsible Caltrans executives remain in their six-figure positions, safe from accountability for their reckless mismanagement and deliberate cover-up?

In this day of no accountability by public officials, it will be interesting to see whether the double standard used to shield athletes from answering for their unlawful actions will protect the top Caltrans managers.



