
Hikers, Pet Owners Warned About Ticks

It’s tick time.

If you are planning hikes in the Ventura County back country or just a walk in the park, be forewarned: The blood-sucking little buggers want to make a meal of you.

A spring survey by the county’s Environmental Health Division showed a significant increase in the number of adult western black-legged ticks.

These particular ticks can carry Lyme disease, a debilitating illness that causes fatigue, fever, aches and flu-like symptoms. If not treated with antibiotics, it can cause arthritis and complications of the heart and nervous system. People who think they have been bitten should consult a physician.


Last year, 139 suspected cases of Lyme disease were reported in California, including one in Ventura County.

Heavy rains powered by El Nino conditions two years ago created moist, humid conditions that led to a profusion of the parasites that have now reached adulthood, health officials say. Ticks prefer moist, humid areas, including canyons, coastal areas, golf courses and parks.

To prevent tick bites, wear light-colored long pants and tuck the pant legs inside socks. Use tick repellent. Stay in the center of trails, and avoid contact with brush and tall grass. Frequently check your body for ticks. Take similar precautions for pets, too.
