
Deal for Protests Closer to Staples

Re “City Agrees to Let Protesters Use Area Closer to Staples,” July 29: Allowing protesters at the Democratic National Convention closer to Staples Center on sidewalks, streets and parking lots bordering the center will allow for safe and peaceful free speech to take place, per Direct Action Network spokeswoman Lisa Fithian. “Allowing protests will uphold the Democratic [Party] tradition of free expression” said convention committee spokesman Peter Ragone. We’ll see! How about “freedom from disturbance”?


Los Angeles


* In the 1st Amendment, one of the freedoms guaranteed is the freedom of assembly, a way for the people to petition for a redress of grievances. If Chief Bernard Parks reads this amendment carefully, he’ll see that this freedom contains no restriction of place. But maybe all this is too much to hope for, as respect for the rights of American citizens has never been the strength of the bullies in blue of the LAPD.


Los Angeles


* Protest leader Michael Dolan (Commentary, July 25) says he and his allies “will be peacefully exercising our 1st Amendment rights” at the Democratic convention in August. He next refers approvingly to “battle” and “war” in Seattle last November and concludes that “the next skirmish, damn it, will be on the streets of L.A.” My dictionary defines skirmish as “a minor fight in a war.”


Dolan’s language is, of course, metaphorical, but why does he evoke images of violence and bloodshed while affirming his commitment to peaceful demonstration in Los Angeles?


South Pasadena


* It is astonishing to learn that each convention will be covered by 15,000 members of the media. Actual news value of the predetermined results is as exciting as a Kremlin Stalin-era election, so it must be the millions of dollars to be spent on the parties for the media that are the big attraction.

More champagne here, please!


West Hollywood
