
This Cinderella Is in a World of Her Own

If wishing could make it so, Ben Stevenson’s “Cinderella” would be a fairy tale in spite of itself.

That was the determined intention of the lyrical and demure Ashley Tuttle when she took over the title role for American Ballet Theatre on Wednesday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa.

Dreamy, vulnerable and inward, Tuttle inhabited a world different from any of the other characters, magnifying the sadistic behavior of the stepmother and stepsisters to troubling proportions and giving no hint of a princess-in-waiting.


Sunny, humble and gracious, she remained in dreamland even when finally crowned.

Angel Corella, her splendidly proportioned Prince, partnered her with noble carriage and attention, and finally hinted at an emotional connection with her nightmarish reaction to the clock striking midnight. But otherwise, he showed a generalized happiness. Only in his solos did Corella blossom into distinctive free-flight freedom.

Herman Cornejo was springy and airborne as the new jester. He suffered a few slips in landings, but recovered to execute his second round of virtuosic steps with flair and clarity.

Three of the four seasonal fairies were new. All were secure and capable, though none could raise Stevenson’s banal choreography to particularly distinguished levels. Anne Milewski danced Spring, Rosalie O’Connor danced Summer and Stella Abrera danced Winter.


The rest of the cast was previously reviewed. Ormsby Wilkins again conducted.

* American Ballet Theatre performs “Cinderella” with various casts today and Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m. at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. $12 to $70. (714) 740-7878.
