
BB Repair Delays

Your Feb. 20 front page had two headlines: “Factory That Built Doomed Jet Had Many Problems” and “Still Waiting for Prop. BB School Repairs.” Do any of our leaders see a correlation between these two articles?

At the end of WWII, Southern California led the world in aerospace, R&D; and manufacturing. They put a man on the moon. Where are these industries now? I submit that a significant reason we no longer lead in any of the advancing technologies is the lack of an educated work force.


Rancho Palos Verdes


Sure, we want more and better-equipped schools for our children, but what assurance have we that Prop. 26 will waste less time, energy and money than has BB? Haven’t our children endured enough waste of valuable time waiting for toilets that work, air conditioning in rooms that are stifling, etc.? Taxpayers will happily bear the burden, but how about some action? Isn’t anyone watching the store?



Sherman Oaks
