
Landmark Hotel Reopens in Paris

The landmark Hotel Meurice in Paris, located on the Rue de Rivoli facing the Tuileries Gardens since 1835, reopened this month after nearly two years of renovations.

The historic luxury hotel has counted the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, the Shah of Iran and artist Salvador Dali among its guests; Dali, officials say, once rang up room service to order a flock of sheep. The hotel was used as a hospital in World War I and was requisitioned by the Germans in World War II. Bought by the Dorchester Group in 1997, it has been overhauled by artisans restoring its mosaics, frescoes and gold leaf.

Rooms have been enlarged, and a new Suite La Belle Etoile has been built on the top floor of the seven-story building. Rates start at about $525 per night and top out at about $9,000 for the Suite La Belle Etoile. Tel. (800) 223-6800.
