
Hufford to Address Taxpayers Assn.

Harry Hufford, Ventura County government’s top executive, will be the featured speaker at an April 6 dinner sponsored by the Ventura County Taxpayers Assn.

Hufford was recently hired by the Board of Supervisors to overhaul management and bring fiscal accountability to local government. During his presentation, Hufford will share his insights on county government operations.

Hufford is former chief administrative officer for Los Angeles County and is credited with helping Ventura County supervisors erase a projected $5-million deficit for the fiscal year that ends in June.


But Hufford has warned that much more needs to be done to get the county on solid ground for years to come. The dinner begins at 6 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel on Esplanade Drive in Oxnard.

Cost for the evening is $35. For more information, call 644-3291.
