
A Test of Gullibility: Testing ‘Fake News’ Quiz

I learned a lot from reading “It’s Truly a Dangerous World Out There” (July 24) and from taking staff writer Roy Rivenburg’s quiz to “see if you can tell fake from real news.”

The article not only stumped me several times, but taught me some important principles about why we tend to believe and pass on false stories.

1. Since so many true stories are genuinely weird or unbelievable, we can’t use those two characteristics as tests.


2. Frequently public opinion or judicial/legislative precedent is unfair and/or unevenly applied.

3. Americans seem to equate court victories with moral triumphs, when actually they may be travesties of justice.

4. It can be a lot of fun to learn you’re more gullible than you think.

Thanks for an entertaining morning lesson in learning to think critically and check our sources.



Costa Mesa
