President Clinton
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Re “Bill Clinton Leaves His Smudge on the Presidency,” by George Will, Commentary, Jan. 11: Let it be known that no amount of venom spewed in the national dailies by a Clinton hater like Will will detract from the remarkable accomplishments of President William Jefferson Clinton. When the history of this era comes to be written, serious, objective and clearheaded historians will conclude that Clinton was one of the most successful presidents this country has ever had, both in the domestic and foreign arenas. The mean rantings of ideological hacks like Will will long have graced the inside of newspaper trash and recycling bins where they deservedly belong.
Will, along with most of his conservative colleagues, once again reveals his desperate preoccupation with President Clinton’s legacy. He talks about the president leaving a “smudge” on the office. Too bad Will and friends are unable to come to grips with the concept that the people actually like Bill Clinton. These great know-it-alls jockey for position on the talk shows and in the op-ed columns of newspapers to devalue and degrade the president’s position in history in the hopes that their constant blowing and blathering will make it so.
Not gonna happen, George, and your pathetic attempts to wish it so, however cerebral, only amplify your desperation to make it happen. Ever thought about a real job?
Fountain Valley
Re “Clinton Bids Chicago a Fond Farewell,” Jan. 10: On the night when Al Gore conceded defeat and George W. Bush give his victory speech, Gore and Clinton asked the nation to rally behind the president-elect. Now Clinton turns around and tells people that Gore really won the election and that Bush stole Florida by stopping the manual recounts.
Obviously, he didn’t mean what he said in the first place. Does he ever mean what he says? He has again failed to show any integrity or leadership. He has yet again shown that he enjoys playing party politics. I will be happy to see him leave the office he never deserved.
In his decision not to grant national monument status to the Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, President Clinton has tarnished his reputation as an advocate for the environment and done a grave disservice to America (Jan. 11). The term “refuge” means protection and shelter; yet that is exactly what will not be afforded as the power reins are transferred to our next president and the selfish interests of oil companies are supported at the expense of a national, public sanctuary.
During the presidential campaign, Bush unveiled his proposal to tap into domestic oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as part of his energy plan to help drive down rising oil prices and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Foreign oil production is much more efficient, both in costs and the amount of oil recovered, than domestic production; the amount of recoverable oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is equal to only a few months’ supply. What is needed is permanent protection that will guard the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from turning into another Prudhoe Bay disaster area.