
Dr. Lewis Cozen; Aided Needy Children of Central America

Dr. Lewis N. Cozen, 89, noted orthopedist who was active in Orthopedic Hospital’s International Children’s Program to treat disabled Central American children in Calexico, died Friday in Los Angeles.

An orthopedist for more than 60 years, Cozen treated the wounded during the Normandy invasion of World War II as part of his duties in the Army Medical Corps. As a practicing surgeon, he also taught and wrote eight medical books and many articles for professional journals.

Cozen volunteered his services in Calexico four times a year with others from the Orthopedic Hospital staff, treating impoverished, disabled and crippled children from Mexico and many other countries for polio, club feet and other problems.


In 1994, colleagues at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center selected Cozen as doctor of the year, citing him as “a pioneer in the field of orthopedic surgery, distinguished as a researcher, scholar and . . . international lecturer and . . . teacher.”
