
I’m a Little Bottle, Here’s My Spout

Fill these decorative bottles, which have pour spouts, with oil or vinegar. Put them on the kitchen counter for easy access. They’re nicer to look at than a big bottle of oil and take up less counter space.

Decorative bottles, $13.99, from Gourmet Imports, 921 Meridian Ave., Unit B, South Pasadena. (626) 441-9600.

Microwaveable Bags of Greens

A bag of either Ready Pac’s new washed Spinach or Leafy Greens Blend makes for quick-cooking fresh greens. They can be microwaved in the bag, ready to eat in less than three minutes. The Greens Blend varies according to availability, but may contain chard, tatsoi, baby romaine, mizuna, spinach, red cabbage and shredded carrots. If you prefer, saute or steam the greens or spinach, or add them to a salad.


Ready Pac Leafy Greens Blend or Spinach, 9-ounce bag, $3.29 from Ralphs, Wild Oats and Gelson’s stores.
