
Vaccinate for Anthrax and Smallpox

The current anthrax problem, though serious, has not reached widespread dissemination. However, the testing of potentially infected postal workers is inadequate (Oct. 23). If they test negative today, what is to prevent the terrorists from returning next week with more infected mail? Or next month?

I believe the first step should be immunization of all postal employees. Next, procedures should be set up to destroy any spores sent through the mail. It would be wise to start a nationwide immunization program, since bioterrorism is going to be with us for a long time. Finally, the government should stop pussyfooting around the smallpox threat. It is far more serious than anthrax. We should gear up and start vaccinating our people as soon as possible. Better safe than sorry.

Sam H. Stone MD

Woodland Hills


The media and the public have been obsessed over the recent anthrax cases that, although scary, pale in comparison with a potential smallpox outbreak. An outbreak of smallpox, for which there is very little vaccine at this point, could decimate the population of this country in a short period.


The government may need to look at “drafting” biotech and pharmaceutical companies, requiring them (with the proper training, equipment and quality-control mechanisms) to produce mass quantities of the vaccine. In exchange, they could receive a government grant that would fund the production of the vaccine. We need to take the bull by the horns and do something now.

Ruby Shamsky

San Diego


We now know the level of priorities: When the attacks happened on Sept. 11, President Bush and Vice President Cheney hid. When a letter bearing anthrax arrived, the House closed up shop, got tested, got Cipro and went home.

Clearly the people in the World Trade Center and the postal employees in Washington and New Jersey were of lesser importance. And now we are talking about “collateral” damage. What is that? People?


Frances Rubin

Los Angeles
