
Whatever Happened to the Grand Old Party?

Re “Publicity Over Firm’s Fraud Verdict Forces Simon to Tend to His Image,” Aug. 5: If Richard Riordan, or any of his people, want to start a new Moderate Republican Party, I am just one of what must surely be a large number of disaffected moderates, both Democrat and Republican, who would happily join. While I can’t quite bring myself to register as a Democrat, I no longer admit to being a registered Republican. The nomination of Bill Simon is just too embarrassing. If he’s any kind of symbol, it’s no wonder the country is in trouble under the Republicans.

Frankly, in this day and age of investigations, someone ought to try to find out who hijacked the old Republican Party. Has it really been taken captive by a bunch of governmentally handicapped, wealthy old (crooked?) businessmen? Or was it perhaps infiltrated by some smart Democrats for the sole purpose of sabotaging it?

Barbara Aspenson

Los Angeles


My primary vote for Simon was actually a vote against Riordan, whom I blame for turning the Van Nuys Airport into a bustling corporate jetport and media heliport, something for his rich friends done at the considerable expense of us common folk. Perhaps other people whose peace and quiet have been constantly ruptured by these noisy aircraft wielded their independent vote in a similar fashion. Don’t count me as voting for Simon.


David Augsburger

Sherman Oaks
