
LAPD Officers Protect and Serve

I want to publicly thank Los Angeles Police Officers Isaias Ornelas and Craig Heredia of the Rampart Division for rescuing my 88-year-old mother and treating her with amazing kindness and compassion. You truly are “the good guys.”

These officers were called by someone (another good Samaritan) to help my mother--who lives in Palm Springs and had gotten lost while driving, ending up in Los Angeles. When their shift was over, and I assume on their own time, they drove my mother and her car home to Palm Springs. Yes, it appears it’s time for Mom to give up her car.

To their credit, these nice men neither chided her nor made her feel foolish. Instead, they made her feel safe, made sure there was someone in her life who would help her and left her with the impression that the LAPD is there to protect and serve.


Wendy Pritzker

Inverness, Calif.
