
Nostalgia, and Some Measure of Nausea

It was refreshing to read your “Home Design Issue” (Feb. 10). It brought back old, fond memories of the original Sunday L.A. Times Home Magazine that always featured the same quality and inspiration as your issue. For the first time in ages, I truly enjoyed your magazine from cover to cover. Can we expect more of this warm and inviting home-style quality, or will it be back to more divisive political and controversial issues that already clog the pages in every newspaper?

Robert L. Rosebrock



It was with a sense of disquiet growing toward revulsion that I read your issue-length veneration of the private spaces of mega-wealthy Angelenos. The pictures of bathrooms that cost more than a modest house, closets the size of boutiques, stacks of dozens of indistinguishable sweaters and rows of virtually identical shoes said volumes more about self-indulgence and purposeless wealth than it did about home design. In the weeks after Sept. 11 our nation was racked by a question that we since have abandoned: Why do they hate us? Flip through this issue again with that question in mind, and perhaps you will find the glimmerings of an answer.

Vic Walton

Santa Barbara
