
Seeking a Hip Audience, Koppel Lets His Hair Down


In a frantic bid to prove that “Nightline” is still viable after ABC almost replaced it with David Letterman’s show, Ted Koppel is revamping the program to attract a younger, hipper audience. For example, next week, he’ll don an alluring Speedo swimsuit and take the show to Daytona Beach, Fla., for a “Nightline Special Report: Spring Break!”

Accompanied by ABC News correspondent Jenny McCarthy, he’ll examine foreign policy, tan lines and keggers. “In no way will we compromise our commitment to journalistic excellence,” Koppel insisted. “When we return from Daytona Beach, we’ll have Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, former Sen. Alan Simpson and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan debating whether Joey and Rachel should date on ‘Friends.’”

In coming weeks, Koppel will also test several new formats and themed programs:

* A Martha Stewart Nightline: Koppel teams with America’s style maven as she transforms a dilapidated public housing project by using pastel colors, Asian throw rugs and decorative wall sconces made from crack pipes.


* Nightline ER: A one-hour drama based on political surgeries, including Dick Cheney’s heart operation, John McCain’s melanoma treatment, Ronald Reagan’s polyp removal and Greta Van Susteren’s face transplant.

* Late Nightline: Attempting to out-Letterman Letterman, Koppel adds a top 10 list (“the top 10 things overheard in war correspondent Ashleigh Banfield’s dressing room”), a MonkeyCam, Stupid Politician Tricks (Richard Riordan makes a 30-point lead in the polls vanish overnight), a house band (Hugh “Puffy” Downs and the Nightline Orchestra), a studio audience and applause signs. In recurring comedy segments, Koppel will drop congressmen from a five-story tower, send his mom to cover the war in Afghanistan and switch toupees with various celebrities, such as Sam Donaldson.

* Whose Nightline Is It Anyway?: The world’s first improv news program.

* Ted Koppel’s Fear Factor: Contestants subject themselves to terrifying stunts, including eating bugs and listening to Andy Rooney nonstop for 72 hours.


* MTV’s Real World Nightline: Koppel shares a Manhattan apartment with Henry Kissinger, political consultant James Carville, Barbara Walters, Rep. Barney Frank, Britney Spears and “comedian” Pauly Shore.

* Touched by an Anchorman: An exploration of religious faith in America.

* Nightline Blind Date: Koppel goes out with various foreign leaders and then rates them as dates. In the first show, he has to choose between Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Norway’s King Harald V.

* Nightline Survivor: Members of ABC’s news division compete to see who can last the longest under Disney ownership. In episode 1, Cokie Roberts is voted off the island after everyone agrees she has the stupidest name. In episode 2, the islanders construct a thatched hut from Koppel’s hair.


* The Wonderful World of Nightline: In a shameless attempt at cross-promotion, Koppel hires Disney characters to report on news from around the globe--Goofy from Afghanistan, Pluto from Europe and Donald “Peking” Duck from China.
