
Leisure World Dogs Not Best Friends to All

Re “Retirees’ Pet Rule Unleashes Rebels,” March 17:

The recent article about the conflict between residents and the powers-that-be at Leisure World Seal Beach could lead readers to believe the same rule applies at Leisure World Laguna Woods. Quite the opposite is true.

Our dog lovers are a very happy lot. One can observe residents walking dogs of all sizes at any time of the day and evening. We have a popular dog club that meets monthly to share experiences or listen to a knowledgeable speaker. I suggest that mistreated dog lovers join us.

Joan D. Healy

Laguna Woods


Leisure World, for the most part, is a peaceful, happy community where people look out for their neighbors and feel safe to go out for a walk at 9 p.m. When the law was changed to allow pets, rules were put into effect for the safety and comfort of all 8,400 people. Now we have 40 dogs here, and we are expected to change the rules to please some of the owners of those 40 dogs.


It is suggested in your last article that we should all vote on every change that comes from the board. If that should happen, nothing would get done. There would be constant bickering and infighting. Every dissenter would want to get into the act, and those who have access to someone who writes for The Times or any other paper would ensure that only the negative is printed.

Brooksie Silva

Seal Beach
