
New Doctor for ‘Strong Medicine’


On Sunday, Patricia Richardson reports for duty as Col. Andy Campbell, an Army doctor who segues to civilian life by replacing Janine Turner’s Dr. Dana Stowe on the Lifetime network series “Strong Medicine” (9 p.m.).

Turns out, running a chaotic medical clinic may not be so different from running the chaotic Taylor household for eight seasons on ABC’s “Home Improvement.” In the new show, as in the old one, Richardson faces challenges with quiet strength, surpassing warmth and an understated sense of humor.

Now in its third season, “Strong Medicine” is driven by the different approaches to medicine taken by the co-directors of a Philadelphia women’s clinic. Dr. Luisa Delgado (Rosa Blasi) is guided by instinct and experience as she treats her mostly low-income patients. Turner’s Stowe--a high-powered research doctor--was a by-the-numbers sort of gal.


With Stowe having departed to raise two newly adopted daughters, Delgado believes she will have a say in choosing her new partner.

When her bosses make the decision without her, she takes an instant dislike to Campbell and begins behaving like a 5-year-old as she pokes fun of the former colonel’s military bearing and crisp speech by, for instance, calling her “Gen. Powell.” In the midst of a misunderstanding, Delgado even explodes with that childish standby, “You are not the boss of me,” in this episode written by series creator Tammy Ader and Richard Alexander, and directed by John Perrin Flynn.

Sunday’s episode indicates that Richardson and Blasi will be a zesty combination of oil and vinegar. In addition, the episode offers a new entry point to the series. Those who haven’t watched before will be quickly brought up to speed as Richardson is familiarized with her role at Rittenhouse Women’s Health Center.
