
Violence in Antiwar Protest at Oakland Port

Re “Antiwar Protest Turns Violent at Port of Oakland,” April 8:

I think there is something larger and more frightening than the regime of George W. Bush that plagues our society. We need an adjustment in attitude during this catastrophic war. The fact that Oakland police fired rubber bullets at protesters is symptomatic of the fascist attitude of our government and media with regard to popular opinion.

President Bush is killing thousands of innocent people, labeling the massacre a “liberation,” and I think we have every right to demand that he cease these war crimes. The activity that Bush represents is much more destructive than a few protesters standing in front of a building or in the middle of the street, even if they are blocking traffic and causing delays. Protesters have very little else to do here because the corporate media downplays the large number of people in California who are vehemently opposed to war.

Bill Brown

Santa Barbara


The protesters at the Port of Oakland greatly exceeded their right to assemble peaceably. They should be charged and tried for sedition and sabotage in time of war for trying to prevent needed supplies from being shipped overseas to aid in the war effort.


Robin G. Mitchell



We may not always agree with the antiwar demonstrators but we must respect their courage. The April 8 photograph shows the arrest of a peace seeker. I can see 12, and there must be many more uncounted, heavily armed policemen surrounding this “felon.” The protester is flat on the ground, unable to wield his weapon, a placard on a stick. A fly struck with such a lethal device has a good chance for survival. A salute to democratic bravery.

Richard L. Soulsby

