
Libya’s Disarmament Provides Cold Comfort

Re “Kadafi Renounces Banned Weapons, Thanks to Bush,” letters, Dec. 23: There were three letters praising President Bush’s hyperaggressive foreign policy for intimidating the Libyans into disarming. That’s wonderful, but what about countries like North Korea, which withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty because of the idiotic “axis of evil” speech? Seeing how axis of evil No. 1 (Iraq) was treated, it really had no choice. Soon it will have a missile system capable of delivering nukes to my doorstep in Southern California.

Iran is also well on its way to building a bomb. North Korea and Iran are much bigger threats to us than Libya or Iraq ever were. The biggest threat of all is Saudi Arabia’s American-sponsored wealth and links to hate-filled madrasas and Al Qaeda. If the weapon that hit us on 9/11 was the suicide bomb, the factory is the madrasa; the Saudis sponsor the development of this weapon the world over. This administration has done nothing about any of these threats. You’ll excuse me if I leave the cork in the champagne bottle over Libya’s disarmament.

Branden Frankel

Newport Beach
