
Air Pollution Dispute Stalls Power Plant

From Staff and Wire Reports

A California Energy Commission spokesman said San Joaquin Valley and federal officials need to settle a dispute over air pollution reduction before state officials will recommend a $550-million power plant that would supply one-third of Central California’s electricity needs.

The spokesman, Chris Davis, said the commission couldn’t recommend approval now. “Air quality is at the heart of it,” Davis said.

The valley ranks among the three dirtiest air basins in the country.

It already faces federal deadlines and possibly a delay in billions of federal road-building dollars because of missed deadlines.


Calpine Corp. plans to build a natural gas-fired power plant in Fresno County.

But the Environmental Protection Agency says it’s not sure whether it can sign off on the project because the agency isn’t sure that San Joaquin Valley air regulators are doing enough to cut pollution.
