
Jones vs. Ruiz

Associated Press

A round-by-round look at Saturday’s WBA heavyweight championship fight in Las Vegas between Roy Jones Jr. and John Ruiz:


Ruiz goes to the body right away and pins Jones in the corner. Ruiz lands two good body shots, then is warned by referee Jay Nady to keep his punches up. Jones misses with a wild left, Ruiz bulls him on the ropes. Jones lands a right. Jones lands a left to the body. Jones lands a left, then is hit by a Ruiz right and comes back with his own left. The two fighters trade punches.

Ruiz’s round.



The two fighters meet in the center of the ring. There is little action in the first minute. Ruiz lands a left and misses a right. Jones is trying to feint Ruiz. Jones lands a counter left. Ruiz is very tentative, and Jones lands a right to the head with 50 seconds left. The two trade jabs and Jones lands a right to the body with 25 seconds left.


Jones’ round.



Again, the round opens with the fighters doing little. They exchange jabs and Ruiz bulls Jones across the ring. Jones lands a left hook to the body. Jones misses a big right to the head, then lands two jabs and then two more at 1:45. Ruiz comes back with a right to the body. Jones lands two good jabs and a right at the one-minute mark. Ruiz then pushes him and lands a right.

Jones’ round.



Ruiz comes out more aggressive, getting Jones in his corner and landing to the body. Jones lands a big right to the head at 2:05. Again the two stand in the center of the ring looking for openings but doing little midway through the round. Ruiz then lands a right to the head. The two trade punches to the head. With 15 seconds left, Jones lands a big right, then winds up showboating.

Jones’ round.



Jones is still flat footed, looking for big shots. Ruiz’ corner is imploring him to fight harder. Jones lands a left hook to the body and follows with a left uppercut to the head. Jones’ jab is landing at will. Ruiz is warned for using his head. Ruiz lands a left hook to the head with one minute left. Jones mocks him and the two trade punches to the head.


Jones’ round.



Ruiz throws a huge right hand in the opening seconds but it misses. Jones lands a right lead and Ruiz hits him low. There’s some blood on the left nostril of Ruiz. Ruiz lands a stiff jab. Jones throws a right lead, a left and another right with 45 seconds left. Jones is taunting Ruiz. Ruiz bulls Jones into his corner as the round ends.

Jones’ round.



Both fighters seem to be looking for the big punch, but Jones is landing more. Ruiz lands a good jab, then throws a right in the corner midway through the round. Jones lands a right hand lead but it doesn’t shake Ruiz. The two trade punches at the bell.

Jones’ round.



Ruiz bulls Jones on the ropes to start the round, but Jones gets off easily and lands a good right to the head. The sudden spurt of action excites the crowd, but the fight soon settles back to its predictable pattern. Jones lands a right hand with one minute left. Ruiz seems tired and unable to get his punches off. But he catches Jones on the ropes and lands two to the body as the round ends.


Ruiz’s round.



Jones is moving more, circling Ruiz and throwing an occasional jab. Ruiz catches him on the ropes with two punches to the head, but Jones shakes his head as if to say he wasn’t hurt. Jones is dominating with his jab, even though he throws it only occasionally. Ruiz seems unable to throw punches when he gets inside and the crowd boos the lack of action as the round ends.

Jones’ round.



Jones is moving again, jabbing. Ruiz cuts him off and throws an uppercut that lands on the ropes, then misses a second uppercut. Nady warns Ruiz for pushing and holding. Ruiz gets Jones on the ropes and lands another right. Jones lands a left hook to the head and a low right hand to the body. He smiles at Ruiz after the punch and Ruiz plods ahead. Jones is moving more and lands two right hands with 30 seconds left. Ruiz gets him in the corner, lands a left and a right, then lands a good jab.

Ruiz’s round.



Jones moves backward, throwing jabs. Ruiz pursues him again. Jones tries a big left hook and misses, but he lands a left flush on the side of Ruiz’s face midway through the round. Ruiz comes back to trap Jones on the ropes and lands to the body. Ruiz traps Jones in his corner but lands little and Jones responds with a left hook with 30 seconds left. Jones then lands a right off the ropes and Ruiz is warned for using his head.

Jones’ round.



Ruiz is desperate and goes after Jones, but the fight again settles into its pattern. Jones throws a jab and another, then moves away. The crowd starts booing with 1:45 left. Ruiz lands a right and left to the body, then gets Jones in the corner but lands little. Jones has a smile on his face with 1:10 left, seemingly assured he has the fight won. Jones is doing little this round, but Ruiz isn’t landing much either. Jones starts dancing and holds his hands up in victory with 15 seconds left. Ruiz gets him on the ropes and complains to the referee.

Ruiz’s round.


Jones wins unanimous decision.
