
A book for kids, a movie for adults

I am disgusted and saddened that the creators of the “Cat in the Hat” movie seem proud to have added risque humor to a story for children (“A ‘Cat’ With Some Bite,” by John Horn, Nov. 19)!

Sure, anyone can turn something innocent into something “adult,” but that is not a good thing. Our children are bombarded by sexual and violent images constantly -- why can’t a children’s movie be totally safe for a child to see?

Katie Shiban



Audrey GEISEL, as the caretaker of her late husband’s most famous feline, should be ashamed of herself for selling-out the good doctor’s cat to Hollywood’s purveyors of potty-branded schlock.


Michael Bruce Abelson



Manohla DARGIS’ review of “The Cat in the Hat” was wonderful (“Not-So-Nice Kitty,” Nov. 21), perhaps the best she’s ever written. She shouldn’t have to apologize to Dr. Seuss for the review; Mike Myers and the filmmakers should.

Manohla’s review was a great judge

Of why no one should see such sludge!

Len J. Goldstein

