
Dylan Ads: The Times They Are Deranging

Re “Not Across My Daughter’s Big Brass Bed You Don’t, Bob,” Commentary, April 16: My hat is off to Leslie Bennetts for having the chutzpah to make the implicit, explicit. As a poet, a male, a pacifist and a soon-to-be 50-year-old with his draft card still in a personal archive, I wondered, as I heard of Bob Dylan’s newest enterprise, if I’d gotten stuck in one of writer-journalist Hunter Thompson’s mind warps. What comes next? A JFK line of unisex thongs? Chicago Eight body jewelry?

Hey, Bob! The nation’s headed (to use movie director Errol Morris’ term) down another rabbit hole. Let’s try to keep our eye on the ball.

Richard Newton Meyer

Los Angeles


Leslie Bennetts imagines Dylan as a symbol for activism, integrity and her own reflexive pacifism, then berates him for not living up to her fantasies. He’s just a poet and musician, and a very good one. Enjoy the music, and remember that anyone who watches TV deserves whatever he or she sees there.


Dean Zatkowsky

