
The Ronstadt ruckus: Just who raised it?

With the critical issues facing Americans -- the war in Iraq, terrorism, the economy, civil rights -- who cares if George Bush looks like Howdy Doody, or John Kerry has the emotional connect of a brick wall [“Read His Lips, Not His Face,” by Paul Brownfield, July 19]?

Personally, I think Dick Cheney looks like a demented corner druggist and John Edwards resembles a slick PR operative. But that has absolutely nothing to do with their respective credentials to serve as vice president, and that won’t determine my vote this November.

Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles


A band of hijacker merchant princes is methodically pillaging our national treasury, is claiming legal powers not granted them by the U.S. Constitution (while they try to take away the rights of the rest of us citizens) and all the while is spinning themselves as patriots and disparaging our cries of “foul.” And we’re worried about whether Kerry smiles enough?


Folks need to understand that Kerry’s expression is “serious,” and that it remains so because what’s happening to our nation is terribly, terribly serious.

Jeff Stadnik

Chino Hills
