
Noncitizens Can Vote in Some L.A. Elections

In the July 21 article, “S.F. Voters to Decide if Noncitizens Can Vote,” I was dismayed at your failure to mention that noncitizens can already vote in some specialized municipal elections in California -- specifically, right here in Los Angeles.

Neighborhood Councils, which are a legal branch of city government, duly elected by voters and funded by taxpayers, allow noncitizen participation.

The Plan for a Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils, called for in the 1999 City Charter reform, specifically opens eligibility for participation in the councils to “any individual who lives, works or owns property in a Neighborhood Council area.” Citizenship is not a prerequisite.


Jason Lyon

Co-Chair, Governing Board

Silver Lake

Neighborhood Council


If San Francisco voters pass a ballot measure that would allow noncitizens the privilege of voting on school board issues, can the next step be far behind when citizens of the European Union and others around the world request absentee ballots for other local and national elections in the United States?

Gene Goodwein

Van Nuys
