
Making the Numbers Work

It is sad how the American public does not mind making decisions on false statistics and intelligence (“Fabricating a Statistic in the Immigration Debate,” Golden State, May 24).

State Sen. Tom McClintock’s figures remind me how acceptable it has become to make up evidence to support an argument, like the Claremont McKenna College professor who vandalized her car to show how racism is still in our society or President Bush using weapons of mass destruction and invalidated connections between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

It has now become a daily occurrence to make up statistics, but this is a slippery slope for our democracy.


James Silva

City Terrace


People like Michael Hiltzik who went after Sen. McClintock for inventing statistics, would evidently have us believe that there is no impact on the California educational system because of illegal immigration. Of course everyone knows that is not true. The question is, “How big of an impact is it having?”

Kenneth Blain



It’s outrageous that Sen. McClintock used fabricated statistics to blame illegal immigrants for the budget woes of the UC education system. It’s a subtle form of hatemongering, which divides everyone and is good for no one. Get your facts straight, senator. You serve everyone, not just yourself.

Jim Cowan



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