
Reunited, and It Feels So Good

A trip down Memory Lane can be a perilous journey, and class reunions are no exception. But they also offer a chance to reconnect with those who shared what are often billed as the best years of our lives. The Fairfax High School Class of 1984 recently held its 20-year reunion on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Amid dinner, dancing and countless conversations peppered with the line, “Do you remember . . . ?” we quizzed some Fairfax graduates of two decades ago on the test of time.


Brandon Andrews

Health Science Teacher at John Marshall High


Who was your crowd?

I took pains to not have a crowd. I had four or five good friends. We called ourselves “The Top Dogs,” but nobody knew it but us.

Were you a good student?

I barely graduated. I applied to San Diego State, and they sent a letter saying, “Are you kidding? This is a college.”


Was high school your best years?

Yes. I was voted “Most Popular.”

Best high school memory?

Powder puff football. The guys wore cheerleader costumes and the girls play football. I pulled my pants down and mooned the crowd. I got suspended. The principal had a

big grin on his face.

Who was your nemesis?

Joel Turk. He’s not here.

Maybe he’ll see this and call.

Maybe, or I’ll call him.

Were you cruel in high school?

I abhor such behavior. If someone would be cruel I’d say, “Take it easy.”

You were an enforcer?

To some degree.


Cheresse Thomas

Teacher at Hyde Park Elementary School

Los Angeles

Who was your crowd?

One guy was a Syrian, one was Hispanic, I’m African American, one was Caucasian.

Where did you imagine your future?

President of a corporation, [with] a two- or three-story house and maybe four or five kids.

How did it turn out?

I did work for corporate America in management. I have an apartment. I have traveled to five countries. I majored in international business. I hope to teach in Puerto Rico. Things turned out very well.


Best high school memory?

Graduation at the Greek Theater. I sang a solo, Flashdance . . . What a Feeling.”

Rekindling any old flames?

I wasn’t into that in high school. My dad was in the military.

Were you cruel in high school?

I won for “most sarcastic.” I was quick with a comeback. I’d make friends with the out crowd.


Robert Cronyn

President of Empire Cleaning Supply

Manhattan Beach

Who was your crowd?

I was a fence-sitter. That’s one reason I put this reunion together.

Are you a nerd who’s done well?

I was pretty geeky. I was that guy who everyone said, “After you get out you will be a success.”

How did your dreams turn out?

I started at Empire Cleaning Supply in 11th grade. I was poor. I had to support my way through college. I’ve met my dreams. Not just a great job and material things, but a wonderful wife and two little girls.


Was high school your best years?

Yes. In college I was working 60 hours a week and going to UCLA. It was and continues to be brutal.

Worst high school memory?

A girl at a party whom I really had a crush on. I am wrestling with a buddy, Matt. I flew into about four chairs. She was standing right there.

What did you dread tonight?

Hugh Griffith. He stole my girlfriend. But I’m over it.

What 1984 fad should return?

Don’t bring the hair back.


Monica Delmas


Los Angeles

Who was your crowd?

The brainiac females.

Have you changed?

In my personal life, I’ve become much more open.

What were your best years?

Now. I was a teacher and changed careers. I got married and separated.

You seem happy being separated.

It’s another experience that has definitely changed me for the better.

What did you dread tonight?

Seeing my ex. I married my high school sweetheart. It brings back memories. Painful ones.

Best high school memory?

The prom. I had to make a serious effort to get my prom date to go with me because he was so shy. He’s here and he’s still single. Very interesting.

Plan to rekindle any romances?

I don’t know. Possibly. He’s here. He was my prom date.

Unfulfilled high school dreams?

I’m still not a doctor in space. Centrifugal force and I do not get along.
