
Nurses Are Protesting Because They Care

I read the April 17 article, “Nurses Union Leader Is a Tonic for Governor’s Foes,” regarding the California Nurses Assn. and the public rallies directed against the governor’s anti-patient agenda.

The central theme of these rallies is that, contrary to the governor’s blustering about “special interests,” registered nurses pride themselves on the fact that their patients are their only interest, and our banners carry that message. Quality patient care is the issue that has always driven nurses into action. It is this concern that has brought thousands of us out to protest the governor.

Recently, we have been joined by thousands of others represented by consumer groups who carry banners decrying the greed of corporate interests with slogans such as “corporate scum.” We welcome their participation and do not control free speech -- something that the governor should learn.


Jill Furillo RN

Southern California Director

California Nurses Assn.



I have been a registered nurse for over 30 years. I have watched patient care deteriorate over those years as hospital administrators have literally pushed nurses to the wall, forcing them to take unsafe patient loads. This was all done in an effort to reduce costs. Nurses tried to fight back, but we were disorganized and scattered in our efforts.

Now, because of CNA, we have a unified and forceful voice. There are several different nursing organizations in this country. The CNA is the only one of these organizations to focus solely on patient care and safety and the nurse at the bedside. This is why CNA is strong. This is why CNA is so essential.

Beth Holzberger RN

