
Reader to reader

In the Jan. 29 letters, L. Kowalis of Orland Park, Ill., finds it “shameful” that the film and TV industry hands out awards and accolades in addition to its high-paid monetary rewards. Kowalis asks: “Why is it necessary to be acknowledged for a job that you’ve been paid multimillions to do?”

I would ask Kowalis: Would you therefore deny high-paid football players the joy of winning the Super Bowl’s Vince Lombardi Trophy? Would you banish the World Series because baseball players make millions and don’t need to win a trophy?

Kim Garfield

Los Angeles


In response to reader Tracy Wells’ letter asking whether it was necessary to note that the black and Latino actors nominated for Oscars were directed by white filmmakers, yes, it was necessary to point out that all those films were directed by white men.


I got no impression that was a racist statement but rather that it was an anti-racist assessment of the fact that, although Hollywood is at last accepting the idea that minority actors are acquiring parity, it still is selecting white men to tell them how it’s done. I am white and remember when there were no minority quarterbacks: This too shall pass, but not soon enough.

Jan McQuade

Thousand Oaks
