
Paying the Price for Not Investing in Schools

Re “California Natives Trail in Finishing College,” Feb. 23: Your article on the low rates of native Californians who complete bachelor’s degrees drives home the point that as a state we are not investing in education and will soon be paying the price of lower tax revenues, uneducated citizens and overall chaos.

Educators consistently point out the devastating effects of Proposition 13, yet no one wants his property taxes increased. We decry the lack of quality education offered in public schools, yet the power brokers of the state make sure their own children attend private institutions. Even now, for students who survive the educational system and gain college eligibility, we slap students in the face with higher college fees and decreased financial aid.

In a few short years, we will all be paying the price for not paying attention to education. Our classrooms are too crowded, and there are not enough counselors to assist students in their college plans.


Yet every day in public schools we find heroes who try to make it happen. Sadly, there are not enough heroes to solve this economic dilemma. Californians need a political solution to this education issue because the economic consequences will be devastating.

Ann Keitel

College Counselor

Venice High School

Esther Hugo

Outreach Coordinator

Santa Monica College
