

Biofilm: Howard and Karen Baldwin, part of the producing team on “Ray,” are developing a film biography of the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield.

Revival: Bravo is reviving the 1970s series “Battle of the Network Stars” but with people from reality TV shows. “Battle of the Network Reality Stars” will premiere Aug. 17, pitting 32 contestants in athletic endeavors.

Anime: “Viewtiful Joe,” a Japanese TV series based on a video game about a young man who acquires super powers to fight villains in Movie Land, will be adapted for American viewers and brought to the WB’s Saturday morning schedule this fall.


Down under: The nude antics of reality television contestants on Australia’s “Big Brother” program prompted government politicians Tuesday to demand a review of how much nudity can be shown on free, over-the-air television. The series has included views of the contestants in the shower and a steamy hot-tub romp.
