
Online dating is for losers

Wonderful story by Alison Manheim [“Her Ex Has Moved On, So She’s Moved Online,” March 10].

I feel bad for you if your boyfriend did dump you, but the only people who have to resort to online dating services are losers, pure and simple.

All the men lie about everything to get dates, and the women really have no clue. They are just looking for the “fantasy,” but they are not going to find it online.


So don’t feel bad about your ex; don’t even think about it. Don’t give that person the power to make you miserable. You will meet someone better, way better. Just don’t settle for a loser.

Michael Corral

Sherman Oaks


I had no intention of writing until I read the last paragraph of Alison Manheim’s column.

Roxy Music’s “Avalon” is the make-out record of all time.

She has excellent taste. Here’s hoping she finds someone to listen to it with soon.

Michael Bennett

