
There’s a Role for Gays in Combat Units

Re “Gay or Female, Uncle Sam Should Want You,” Commentary, May 26: Max Boot’s Op-Ed nicely articulates an opinion that I hold -- that in restricting or denying access to the military for women and gay people we harm our national defense. But why, oh why, did he have to close his well-written piece by saying, “It may still make sense not to assign gay personnel to ground combat units, where they might have trouble fitting in”?

Gay individuals “fit in” in 99% of communities in this country because they are people who lead full lives and who have more interests than just being gay. It does not make any sense to continue to place restrictions on military personnel who happen to be gay because you’re afraid they won’t make any friends.

Laura Durso

Cambridge, Mass.


Boot’s column in plain English -- I wanted gays and lesbians out of the military during peacetime. But now there is a war on, and a serious manpower shortage. So I want the same gays and lesbians to fight and die for “my” war, because otherwise, the military might draft me or my family members.


Soo Lee

