
Better ratio of bang to buck

The machine should be running at peak efficiency after two-plus months on the road, so get ready for the regular Rolling Stones tour ritual: the wisecracks about how old these guys are, the moaning about their corporate endorsements, the complaints about their lame new album.... Oops, this time the new album, “A Bigger Bang,” is actually pretty good, which might even enhance the other part of the ritual, where everybody forgets all the wisecracks and complaints and falls under the Stones’ spell one more time.

Rolling Stones, Angel Stadium, 2000 Gene Autry Way, Anaheim. 7 p.m. Friday. $60-$450. (714) 634-2000.

* Also, Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood. 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 7 p.m. Tuesday. Sold out. (323) 850-2000.
