
Our election guide

THE CAMPAIGN THAT ENDS TODAY has not been one of democracy’s finer moments. Many of the special election ballot measures are clumsy attempts to foist upon voters decisions that their representatives should properly be making, and for all the money spent -- $250 million and counting -- the debate has hardly been edifying. Nevertheless, all the measures on the ballot deserve serious consideration, and several deserve support. Here are The Times’ recommendations.

State ballot propositions

Proposition 73: No. This measure would not reduce the number of teen abortions and would add new and troubling language to the state Constitution.

Proposition 74: Yes. Expanding the probationary period for new teachers from two years to five is a small but worthwhile educational reform.


Proposition 75: Yes. Public employee unions wield disproportionate influence in Sacramento, and this measure would help rein it in.

Proposition 76: No. This measure would grant the governor’s office too much authority over the state budget.

Proposition 77: Yes. Letting a panel of retired state judges draw state and congressional district boundaries offers the best chance for real political competition and an end to gridlock.


Propositions 78 and 79: No. Both measures are fatally flawed attempts to control the rising cost of prescription drugs.

Proposition 80: No. Energy policy is far too complex to be dictated by ballot proposition.

Los Angeles Unified School District

Measure Y: Yes. This $4-billion bond measure would allow the Los Angeles Unified School District to continue its school construction and repair program, which is sorely needed to relieve overcrowding in the district. Supt. Roy Romer has managed the construction program, scheduled for completion in 2012, with speed and efficiency.

Orange County

Measures B, C, D and E: No. These measures, to regulate how the county distributes state money for public safety, are a straightforward case of ballot-box budgeting.


Los Angeles City Council

14th District: Jose Huizar. The former president of the school board has done well there and has the endorsement of 10 current City Council members.
