
It’s not necessarily a man’s world

Re “The skinny pink paycheck syndrome,” Current, Feb. 12

It is an obvious fact that women should be equal to men in the workplace. I personally believe that, for the most part, they are. Feminist favorites such as this piece and the mythical wage gap simply do not stand up to close scrutiny.

Does anyone really believe that secretaries get paid less than firefighters simply because the latter is a male-dominated profession? Are there not some serious inherent differences beyond that? Women willing to risk the danger in these jobs still must be able to handle them physically. If they can, great! But there simply are not enough “manly” women around to ever generate true parity in these areas.

True examples of sexist discrimination should be stamped out. I just think there are far fewer of them than E.J. Graff, Evelyn Murphy and other feminist “chicken littles” suggest.



Manhattan Beach
