
Spinning the color wheel

From Washington Post

EVERY year paint companies and trend forecasters predict what’s on the color horizon. Most recently “spa colors” of watery blues and greens, with splashes of melon and pinks, have dominated, along with pairings of teal blue and sable brown, creams and sage, and the many brews of latte. More adventuresome decorators have jolted rooms with orange, purple and lime. January and February are prime months for interior design projects, “especially now that the paints are more low-odor. It’s a good pick-me-up,” says Peggy Van Allen, color marketing manager for Pratt & Lambert Paints. We asked eight companies which shades will be popular in 2006. Some of these colors are so new, they aren’t listed on the companies’ websites.


Mother Nature by Behr: “The greens of 2006 are warm, more natural looking and complement most other hot colors, such as browns, purples, even some yellows,” says Tiffany Campbell, Behr spokeswoman. Available at Home Depot stores. Go to or call (877) 237-6158.

Peaceful Pines by Dutch Boy: “A strong yellowy-green, kind of an avocado,” says Donna Schroeder, color marketing manager. Not available at retailers until April. Go to or call (800) 828-5669.


Jargon Jade by Sherwin-Williams: This intense bluish green “reflects the influence from another culture, in this case China,” says senior designer Becky Ralich Spak. Jade and vivid red “are a historic combination used on the exterior of many ancient temples.” Store locator at

Golden Kiwi by Glidden: This earthy shade of yellow “embodies comfort, restoration and well-being” and “spices up” neutrals and dark hues, says Barbara Richardson, color director for ICI Paints, which makes Glidden. Go to or call (800) 454-3336.

Queen’s Wreath by Benjamin Moore: “A purple-based color with gray undertones, very chameleon-like,” says Eileen McComb, corporate communications administrator. Go to or call (888) 236-6667.


Boucle by Pratt & Lambert: “It’s between aqua and teal blue” and pairs nicely with dark brown, says P&L; color marketing manager Peggy Van Allen. Go to or call (800) 289-7728.

Cathedral Glass by Pittsburgh Paints: Based on “environmentally conscious living, it’s like a blend of grass and sky. It is a very strong organic color,” says Dee Schlotter, marketing communications manager. Retailer directory at

Ablaze by Duron: “Red is now, and this one is cross-cultural. It goes from a real midcentury modern feel that teams with black and white to Latin or Asian,” says Mark Woodman, color marketing and design manager for Duron, whose stores are all located out of state. Go to or call (800) 723-8766.
