
A 10-year anniversary for Roker

From Associated Press

He’s only two-thirds the man he used to be, but Al Roker won’t be eating heartily to celebrate 10 years on NBC’s “Today” show. He’s dieting.

“Today” was to mark the formerly rotund weatherman’s anniversary on the air today.

“I was just thrilled to get the gig to begin with,” Roker said in an interview. “Ten years later to still have it is not only thrilling but also somewhat of a puzzlement.”

Due to his gastric bypass operation in 2002, Roker spent the last few years as the incredibly shrinking man. He was 330 pounds at his peak, and bottomed out at 200. He has gone back up to 225 pounds, which is why he’s trying to take some more off now.


“Today” is on a high, having beaten back a challenge from ABC’s “Good Morning America.” During the week of Jan. 16, the “Today” lead was up to 1.1 million viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.

The core “Today” family of Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Ann Curry and Roker have been together since 1997, although perhaps not for long. Couric is considering jumping to CBS to anchor its evening news when her contract is up this spring.

“None of us can worry about that, because it’s not something we can control,” Roker said.
