
Healthcare ideas from small business

Re “Gov.’s push for healthcare may get a push back,” Nov. 19

I hope someone will ask those of us who provide healthcare benefits for our employees, particularly small-business owners like me, for our ideas on the subject of universal healthcare. We understand the value of health insurance for everyone. I pay the cost of a good healthcare policy for my employees because I don’t want my workforce working while ill, nor staying home fighting illness without the assistance of expert medical advice.

I know that some of my employees, particularly the young and unmarried, would otherwise just go without. So I’m exercising a certain amount of maternalism. Therefore, I come down on the side of requiring everyone to purchase or become otherwise enrolled in a health plan. I’d be fine with having my taxes increased to pay for a plan that would be for everyone, as long as my own health plan costs would be reduced by an equal amount.

I’d welcome the level playing field it would help provide with my competitors.


Long Beach
