
It doesn’t make any scents

Re “Sniff . . . and Spend” [Aug. 20]: Given the rise in childhood and adult asthma and allergies, all we need is more synthetic chemicals sprayed into the air.

Of course, those in the scent marketing industry are going to insist that their products have been tested and approved for safety. Yes, and cigarette companies marketed cigarette-smoking as refreshing and relaxing years ago.

Open any fashion magazine and you’ll see perfume ads marketed to make us feel that if we spray some on, eternal youth, beauty and sex appeal will be ours. Go to any department store and you’ll get hit with fragrances, pleasingly packaged for the average consumer. How come no one tells us average consumers that thousands of chemicals comprise these magic potions? Chemical sensitivities are caused by . . . chemicals!


Here is American consumerism gone wild. Risk people’s health; just make them spend more. The thought alone makes me wheeze. How about writing a good health article on the dangers of synthetic scents?

Toby Carrasco

Los Angeles
